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Down to the river to pray: Details zum Ablauf:

 Strophe 1 : solistisch mit T1+2/B1+2 (T1 Tenösen oben, T2 Tenöre unten)

(.. who shall wear the starry crown.., Oh, sisters..)


Strophe 2: solistisch mit T/B1+2

(..who shall wear the robe an' crown.., Oh, brothers..)


Strophe 3: "kleine Besetzung" S2/A2/T/B1+2

(.. who shall wear the starry crown.., Oh, fathers..)


Strophe 4: Alle (großer Chor) S1+2/A/T/B1+2

(.. who shall wear the robe an' crown.., Oh, mothers..)

-> Besonderheit: come on, down, don't you wanna go down..


Strophe 5: Alle (großer Chor) S1+2/A/T1+2/B1+2

(.. who shall wear the starry crown.., Oh, sinners..)


Strophe 6 / Schluß: Alle (großer Chor) S/A/T/B1+2

(.. who shall wear the robe an' crown..)